Tuesday, May 09, 2006

reflection of Blue

He who fills the universe
and yet remains apart,
how could I fit him inside
a mere heart?

so I became a mirror and-
His reflection I caught
within me

now however big He is outside,
will also be so, forever,
within me

but unaware I was
of laws of reflection
until the moment of revelation

what was right, is now left
truths that I knew
have become untrue
black turned white
and eyes, Blue

© Rajendra Pradhan


gautami tripathy said...

"but unaware I was
of laws of reflection
until the moment of revelation"

It sums up the feeling within all of us. I love this! I am glad I am here!


Unknown said...

I am glad that I came across your poetry. I like it a lot. Keep it up and for sure I will be back.